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Eastern spiritual philosophies and meditation practices began to have a very large nike sunglasses discount impact on the West beginning in the second half of the 20th Century. Amongst these designer sunglasses on sale philosophies and practices, the most famous of them surely must be Zen. Zen, however, is not the most popular form of meditation practiced in the West- not even close. Rather, Zen has become a catch all word for Eastern spiritual practices in general. It sounds cool to the Western ear, and seems seeped in mystery.
Most Westerners who practice Eastern spiritualism either go with Buddhist practices from Japan, China, and Southeast Asia, or they go with the yoga practices from Hindu India. In general, Buddhist activities tend to be more sedentary, inactive, and meditative. While yoga is also meditative, it is far more complex in its definitions, its concern with spiritual energy reservoirs, and in its physical motion.
There seems to be a huge misconception amongst non-practitioners of these disciplines and novices that somehow the East is far more liberal and enlightened than the West. While I discount gucci sunglasses cannot debate the latter, the former is most certainly untrue. Buddhist and Hindu sects alike are rigorous in their practices and require submission to strict standards requiring great discipline. Far from being relaxed and mellow, they are highly moral and conservative.
Most Easterners who become monks or devotees do not sit around in laid-back fashion on tatami mats sipping green tea while discussing the meaning of the 'non-world' or the parables from Dharma. Monastery life is a life of self-denial, unquestioning obedience, and mostly utter silence. It is only for the select few and its sole purpose in many cases is to utterly destroy the ego. So if you are a Westerner and see Zen as a mellower and free-spirited alternative to the fire and brimstone God of the Bible, think again. That sort of Zen is as all-American as chop suey.

