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The horns sounded and the hounds are paying. Across the developed world the hunt for taxes from the wealthy is on. Recent austerity budgets in France and Italy slipped 3% surcharges on those with incomes above ?00,000. Britain's Tories under attack really considering getting the latest temporary 50% of corporate income tax on earnings over £150,000 and now Barack Obama has produced a new deficit reduction plan that aims its tax increases squarely at the rich, including a buffet rule to ensure that no household making more than $1 million a year pays a lower average rate of tax compared to those of middle class families. In the rich to close the deficit is not class warfare argues the President, he says it's mathematics.
There is camiseta del madrid however another argument will stop the question of whether to tax wealthy more depends on political judgements about the right size of the state and the appropriate role for redistribution of taxation. The maths says deficits could technically be tamed by spending cuts alone is Mr Obama's Republican opponents advocate. Class warfare may be a loaded term, but it captures a fundamental debate in Western societies about who should suffer from writing public finances.
In general, this author's instincts lie with small government and against even higher taxation to pay from unsustainable welfare state. ?I generally reject the notion, implicit in much of today's debate, but higher tax rates on the wealthy justified because of the finance industry's role in crunch and the redistribution is a poor Russian offer taxation. Nor is the current pattern of contribution to the public purse obviously unfair this is because the richest 1% of Americans pay more than a quarter of federal taxes and fully 40% of income taxes, while taking less than 20% of pre-tax income. And knee-jerk Rick Ritch bashing, like Labour's tax hike, seldom makes a good policy. High marginal tax rates discourage entrepreneurship and no matter how much used Obama mentions millionaires and billionaires, higher taxes on them alone cannot close America's deficit. So the debate is poisonously skewed. But there are three good reasons why the wealthy should pay nueva camiseta real madrid 2012 more tax than not, by and large, in the ways of the rich world governments currently propose.
First, the worst deficits should not be closed by spending cuts alone. Public spending should certainly take the brunt as there is plenty of scope to slim inefficient leviathan governments and studies of the past deficit-cutting programme suggest they work best when cuts predominate. Britain's 4 to 1 ratio is camiseta madrid 2012 about right. It is a ratio implies common experience also argues that higher taxes should be part of the mix. In America the tax take is historically low after years of reductions. There, and elsewhere, tax rises need to bear some of the burden. Second, there is a political argument are raising this new revenue from the rich. Spending cuts fall disproportionately on the less well off and even before the crunch meeting incomes were stagnating. Meanwhile globalisation has been rewarding winners ever more generously. Voter support for ongoing austerity depends on disproportionate share of any new revenue coming from the wealthy.