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So many more resources are opened up to sailors with the digital age. First and foremost every sailor should have a boat Global Positioning System unit, GPS. burberry sunglasses women , A GPS unit is able to work by receiving from GPS satellites in orbit around the earth, and at any given point, in the sky there are at least four satellites. The unit takes signals from three satellites and triangulates position. Today most GPS units are accurate to within 10-20 meters. A boat GPS unit is essential and best of all it is easy to use and straightforward.
Today, sailors also have a wide variety of boat stereos and boat TVs to choose from. Getting a weatherproof TV would be most prudent. Clutter can be kept to a minimum by using extensive wall mounts. With the advent of flat screen TVs, having a TV aboard has never been so easy and efficient. There is nothing quite relaxing as sailing while listening to some good tunes. burberry shirts , Boat stereos have advanced significantly in the past 10 years. mens burberry sunglasses , With better and smaller waterproof designs, upgrading to today’s stereos is definitely a good long term investment.