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HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF FOOTBALL new prada sunglasses 2012 ( Soccer )
Recent history of football includes more than 100 years. It all started 1863rd In England when rugby football and went separate ways when the first football association was founded, the Football Association of England (Football Association). Both forms of football stemmed from the same root and have a long and complicated family tree. Their early history includes a number of different games. The fact is that you play the ball where the ball hits his foot playing for thousands of years and there is no reason to believe that the only deviation from the "natural" forms of ball games in which the hands are used. In a physical fight for the ball, often without rules, there is no doubt that at the beginning of the art of controlling the ball was very heavy and require special tactics and talent.
The earliest form of the game for which there is scientific evidence tshu chu, a game similar to hottest sunglasses 2012 football which is played in China in the second and 3 century BC ball players are made of animal skins had to squeeze through a hole in the network between razvu?enoj bamboo poles about 10 feet high. Tshu chu is played extensively during the Han dynasty and was the practice of physical abilities of Chinese military. JAPAN Another form of the game comes from the Far East the Japanese Kemari appearing 500-600 years later. It is a type of circular football game, much less spectacular. Kemari was a more honorable, ceremonial activity. He demanded certain skills but not the spirit of competition as it was in the Chinese game. In kemariu there was the slightest sign of struggle for possession of the ball. The players had to pass the ball to each other on a fairly small area, with them she was not allowed to fall to the ground.
Rubber ball appeared in Mexico and Central America between 600th to 1600. year. The game played by the inhabitants of these parts are played on the field in the form of letters I. He was 12-15 m long with vertical walls a few feet high. In the middle of each wall was pierced stone prada 2012 sunglasses or wooden ring. The goal was to hard rubber ball passed through the ring.