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Originated in India, yoga is a discipline that aims, through physical exercises, meditation and ascetic morality, to unify the body and mind. camiseta rooney , Relatively recent in the West, there has been an extraordinary success in recent years, thanks to the plebiscite of many stars. ?

Its origin and philosophy
Yoga is not new: it is already practiced in India, around the 3rd millennium BC. Yoga actually means "union" in Sanskrit (literary language of ancient India). camiseta ronaldo real madrid 2012 ,
However, it is in the 4th century BC that Patanjali, considered the father of the discipline, wrote the Yoga Sutra text reference discipline. venta de camisetas , He details the 8 areas among others - he compares the branches of a tree - forming the yoga:
-Yama, the ability to communicate with non-violence
-Niyama, adherence to self
-Asana, the practice of postures
-Pranayama-control of respiration
-Pratyahara, listening sensory inner
-Dharana, concentration
-Zen Buddhism, meditation
-Samadhi, liberation, the ultimate stage of self-realization
The first five issues are the basics of hatha yoga, a discipline in itself that promotes the health and concentration by lifestyle and posture.

Discipline "sport", hatha yoga
The vast majority of yoga classes are mainly the physical dimension, that is to say hatha yoga. In the traditional way, it aims to keep the body in a state of optimal health and disciplining the mind. It revolves around three main tools:.

