
camiseta retro barcelona

camiseta retro barcelona,
  • Always wash your kiteboard with fresh cold water after every use. Seems simple enough but after a tiring session lets face it, you just cant be bothered. At least give it a quick rinse as salt water is your worst enemy.
  • Ensure your board is properly dry before you put it away. This is especially important if you are not going to use it for a while as it will prevent mould growing, especially on footpads etc.
  • Store your board out of the sun. Leaving it in the sun will cause the graphics to fade and also excess heat can weaken the materials that make up your board. Store it in a cool dry place indoors.
  • Dont ride in shallow water. It might be tempting to ride in water thats only ankle deep to get closer to shore but its amazing how much damage small shells and rocks will do to the bottom of your board and fins, I learnt this the hard way!
  • Strip it down once a month. Take off your fins, footpads etc and rinse these in a bucket of luke warm water to release any salt crystals built up. Also rinse the screws and screw inserts on your kite board as these may become rusty camisetas del barcelona over time if not rinsed correctly.
  • Following this give the board a wipe down with a clean soft cloth the dry excess moisture and wipe away any residual salt etc.
  • Before you head camiseta retro barcelona out for each session, check that all the screws are tight and showing no signs of wear and tear which could cause them to break.
  • When transporting your kiteboard keep it away from sharp objects. These can cause scratches on your board so if possible store it in a board bag when transporting or have it in your boot or backseat away from anything sharp.?

    Follow these Kiteboard maintenance camisetas retro barcelona tips and you should get many years out of your prized board.

