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You've been using the same workout for 20 years. The result? Two arthritic shoulders and a sacroiliac joint that threatens to immobilize you every time you get out the car. carrera sunglasses on sale , But it's not too late for you.
Tips for Enhancing Performance
Pounding the pavements erodes your body's natural shock absorbers ? cartilage, tendons, muscles and ligaments. Each step exerts a force of up to five times your weight and encourages these body parts to protest through inflammation, pain and even rupture.
Walk as well as run. dior sunglasses 2012 , Varying intensity within a workout is a tactic runners use to get faster or go longer. Walking burns the same number of kilojoules as running and reduces common overuse injuries, such as shin splints. cheapest designer sunglasses , Use a one-to-one ratio if you're getting into shape after a layoff, then gradually ratchet up the run portion. Walk one kilometer for every six kilometers you run.
These events are filled with former distance runners looking for a new rush and a way to take some strain off their battered bones. Triathlon training also allows a marathoner to use health benefits gained from years of long distance training; increased lung capacity and an abundance of slow twitch muscle fibers, which enhance aerobic endurance.
The sudden starts and stops involved in touch rugby place tremendous lateral force on your ankles and knees, and the diving (actually landing) sends injury causing shock waves throughout your body.
Break a sweat before you start playing. One guy we know hits the hot showers for 10 minutes before playing to make sure he's warm. No showers? This simple 10 minute warm up will drastically reduce your chances of getting hurt. Do each of these the length of the field up to the half way line and back while wind milling your arms, then stretch as usual; jog, skip, shuffle (continually slide one leg to meet the other without crossing them; don't forget to bend your knees), karaoke (run sideways, continually crossing one leg in front of and then behind the other), run backwards and skip as high as you can.

